The sun is playing hide and seek but we managed to shoot some pictures before the weekend and the rain started, so I can show you this beautiful dress today. I fell in love with Self Portrait and I want to get my hands on the entire collection!
Le soleil joue à cache cache mais nous avons réussi à prendre quelques photos avant que le weekend et la pluie n’arrivent, afin que je puisse vous montrer cette robe aujourd’hui. Je suis tombée amoureuse de Self Portrait et j’ai envie de toute la collection!
Dress: Self Portrait
Heels: Jimmy Choo
October 19 Recapnovembre 10th, 2019
Paris in Winterfévrier 4th, 2019
Knit and over the knee bootsjanvier 5th, 2019
THE CAMEL SUITnovembre 21st, 2018
WHITE MATCHING SETnovembre 18th, 2018
Karen - Dressing in Labels 27 juin 2016 at 11 h 44 min
This brand always offers the most elegant dresses. you look fabulous.
x Karen
Natali 27 juin 2016 at 12 h 53 min
Always looking so gorgeous and feminine! Self Portrait have such an incredibly feminine and romantic dresses.
Arielle 27 juin 2016 at 13 h 38 min
Whaaa! You’re so lucky to have a self portrait dress! I’m in love with their designs… but not willing to pay and extra 30% for duties to have them shipped to me.
Arielle from Casual ‘n Couture