And just like that Summer is over. I love living in a swimsuit but I must say I’m quite excited about wearing chunky sweaters and boots again. Layering and getting myself busy with Fall activities. September always means Fashion month and I only have a few days left before flying to New York for the shows. Have everyone a great weekend and let’s get ready for some Autumn looks coming soon on the blog!
Et voilà, l’été se termine. J’adore vivre en maillot de bain, mais je dois dire que j’ai vraiment hâte de porter des pulls et des boots à nouveau. Superposer tee shirts, pulls et manteaux… et attaquer mes activités automnales favorites. Septembre c’est aussi le mois des défilés et dans une semaine je m’envolerai pour la fashion week de New York. Passez tous un bon week-end!
October 19 Recapnovembre 10th, 2019
Paris in Winterfévrier 4th, 2019
Knit and over the knee bootsjanvier 5th, 2019
THE CAMEL SUITnovembre 21st, 2018
WHITE MATCHING SETnovembre 18th, 2018
Natali 1 septembre 2017 at 9 h 41 min
Yep, crazy that it’s September already, I can’t believe it myself either. You are looking fantastic in this sporty-cool outfit!
Mireia 1 septembre 2017 at 23 h 59 min
Absolutely love it!
Mireia from TGL