VALENTINO THE LAST EMPEROR is a feature-length film on the legendary designer Valentino in the wake of his exit in 2008 from the company he founded in Rome more than 45 years ago.
The film documents the colorful and dramatic closing act of Valentino’s celebrated career, tells the story of his extraordinary life and work, and also explores the larger themes affecting the fashion business today. But at the heart of the film is the unique relationship between Valentino and his business partner and companion of 50 years, Giancarlo Giammetti.
BEST OF 2014janvier 2nd, 2015
PARIS POSTCARDSfévrier 6th, 2014
PARIS DIARYjanvier 27th, 2014
HELLO NEW YORKdécembre 16th, 2013
NYC MOMENTSnovembre 29th, 2013